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"could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:17 am
by Lakeside55
I used to how to do this stuff... :-[ .MANY years ago, embarrassed to have forgotten..anyway. Just istalled XAMPP, extracted Joomla zip file to C:XAMPP/htdocs, was running the install and had it ALL filled in THEN clicked the final button (install Joomla) and got this error: Could not connect to the database. Connector returned error message: Access denied for user 'bXXX'@'localhost' (using password: YES) I chose 'run as adminstrator' for xampp in my control panel, and set superuser, password for superuser during setup, so not sure what else to do. I kept getting that error message when I tried to install wamp previously (got fed up, uninstalled wamp and tried xampp lol) Greatly appreciate any ideas, thanks.

Re: "could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:40 am
by imanickam
In XAMPP and WAMP servers, the default user name is root and there is no password for the user root.

If you want to use another user to access the database, you have to access the database via phpMyAdmin, create a new user, and GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES to the user being created.

Hope this helps.

Re: "could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:49 am
by Lakeside55
Thank you imanickam for the quick reply, did not think anyone would post so soon :) I did not explain too well. I am trying to install joomla, but I must have neglected something. I have XAMPP installed on windows 11, and extracted the downloaded joomla folder into httdocs in Wamp (C:xampp/htdocs/joomla files ) I clicked on the joomla install file, the joomla dialogue boxes came up, I filled them in, setting 'super user name.. supeuser password' etc. I get to the end and click 'install joomla' and then got that error message. I had all the xampp things running to, and as an 'administrator'. So I don't know why I got that error. :'(

Re: "could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:48 am
by imanickam
Lakeside55 wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:17 am
Could not connect to the database. Connector returned error message: Access denied for user 'bXXX'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
If you have created a new user (say bXXX) then that user should have been GRANTed ALL PRIVILEGES in the database.

Kindly check whether this has been done in the database server. You could use phpMyAdmin for accessing the database server.

Re: "could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:09 pm
by AMurray
I believe XAMPP does require a MySQL db user with a password (I'm sure I read that recently; perhaps I'm misinformed). I use WAMPServer ordinarily, and out of the box the MySQL password (e.g. to log into phpMyAdmin is "root" and no password. I assume it can then be set with a password if desired. Those details are then used for the Joomla installation.

Running XAMPP "as administrator" in Windows has nothing to do with the MySQL privileges being discussed here as mentioned by @imanickam. They are two separate things.

In the Joomla setup, you are asked for two sets of credentials: (1) the *database* details, and (2) the superuser (for joomla administrator). We are talking about the database user not the superuser for Joomla itself. The database requires a user and certain access privileges so it can 'talk' to Joomla (through all its complicated scripting).

Re: "could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:17 am
by Lakeside55
So, I tried again, another install and was able to install, I used root, and let password blank for MySQL. I can start/stop apache, etc clicking on xampp icon and going in. I can connect to the server, and even get into phpMadmin. so far so good. But I logged into Joomla backend and there was nothing really. Front page looked empty too. I remember doing this before and there was content to get you started so it had the look of a website. I did something wrong I think.. here is a pic:
Cassiopeia backend.png
Thank you for all other answers. I will try wrap my head around the difference of accessing Apache versus MySQL versus joomla itlself. used to sort of know how to do it, but I am getting older- not smarter, and I feel like the look of Joomla has changed? lol Thanks for your patience

Re: "could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:56 am
by imanickam
Lakeside55 wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:17 am
I logged into Joomla backend and there was nothing really. Front page looked empty too. I remember doing this before and there was content to get you started so it had the look of a website. I did something wrong I think.
You did not do anything wrong. From your description, I believe that you are looking for sample data.

To install sample data, log into your site's administrator back-end. Go to "Home Dashboard". In the dashboard, you would notice a module titled "Sample Data". Click on the button Install that is opposite to "Blog Sample Data".

After this you would see sample data installed on your site and you can see some content.

Be known that in n Joomla! 3, during the install itself one can choose to install the appropriate sample data. In Joomla! 4 and Joomla! 5, after the successful installation, one can choose to install the sample data by logging into the backend .

Re: "could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:37 am
by Lakeside55
Thanks again I will try. Something I just remembered ( I have forgotten so much) is that if I add administrator to the web address localhost/admistrator, the backend will appear lol Because I had really nothing, just the Casseiopia banner, and 'login' lol All good now :) I just added the sample content, following your advice and now have the Casseiopia site looking as it should. I am slowly starting to remember what I used to do, thank you! Now I guess I'll mess it up by finding another template to add :)

Re: "could not connect to the database....access denied to user" when installing joomla

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 5:30 am
by imanickam
Glad to be of help. Next time, for each question/issue, please create a separate topic.